June Group Supervision

Liberating Structure

In this months group supervision we will be exploring a liberating structure called troika. This will give us an opportunity to do case consultation by throwing the typical way we have conversations a bit upside-down. In typical conversations (framed in a United States mainstream culture) a ton gets lost in the process. The sheer quickness to question, response, question, response….squirrel! question, response, begs the question…how much are we missing?

When we respond so quickly, we are literally creating a response while the person is still telling their story - so we know it’s impossible to get it all.

So in this months supervision we’ll be looking at another way of slowing the conversation to embrace the message that is being sent and the need that is being requested.

What you will need to bring:

  • You!

  • A case, scenario, ethical dilemma, a professional challenge you’re currently faced with that you’d like feedback on

I look forward to seeing you all there!


July Group Supervision


May Group Supervision