Kind Words…

The collective voices of amazing people

These testimonials are voiced by profound people I have had the privilege of knowing and working with over the years. I am grateful for their kind words and the opportunity to support them on their journey and for the growth I have experienced by knowing each of them.

“Rebecca has an artful way of listening, by paying close attention to the words that are being chosen and the way they are communicated, while also hearing what’s being left out…what’s not being talk about. She could bridge that gap with a well-timed question, which often felt like a gentle invitation to dig a little deeper. Her curiosity about my process was unnerving at times because of the way she could see patterns that I couldn’t. I had so many “ah ha” moments during and after our sessions!

Rebecca helped me integrate my intellectual understanding of this work with my experiential understanding. Rebecca often helped me refocus on the “why and “how.” She reminded me that so much of this work is about WHY we do what we do…HOW we show up for those around us…WHY and HOW we balance our work and personal lives…and HOW we bring our whole selves, our full understanding, our deep sense of compassion to every interaction. She reminded me that so much of social work training is getting comfortable with discomfort.

Even though our supervision sessions have ended, I continue to feel grateful for her guidance and support in my growth. ”

— Adriana, Portland, OR - Clinical Supervision

“Therapy with Rebecca allowed me to sift through the dust that was masking my true authentic self. I’d been living my life and viewing myself based on expectations of others, both said and unsaid and I never realized how important my own story was. I didn’t realize the dust that was settling over the true me. It was scary and yet thrilling learning about the genuine me that had gotten lost over the years. And after real genuine conversation and hard work, which was oh so fulfilling, I discovered something amazing! Myself! and…Who knew?! I really do like me…I love the real me!”

— David, Yakima, WA - Individual Therapy

“Rebecca was my mentor coach and guide for four years. Rebecca always created a space that invites discussing difficult topics and navigating complex issues and dynamics. Rebecca is highly insightful and fair. She provides transparency in the kindest way with the intention towards growth and healing. I always trust her insight, appreciate her thought provoking questions and her ability to connect with others. She is skilled at seeing differing perspectives, respecting and honoring those perspectives and guiding to widen our lens to see with more compassion, to heal and to grow. She meets you where you are and supports you in the journey you choose. She is the best in the field, hands-down..”

— Sarah, Helvatia, OR - Leadership Coaching

“I tried multiple therapists and while I felt supported, I didn’t feel like I was growing, learning, healing. From day one in meeting Rebecca, I knew this was going to work…and she loves the outdoors and works it into therapy! I didn’t realize you can do therapy outside with your hands in the dirt! Which is my kind of therapy. She learns who you are and connects you with the type of therapy that will best fit what you need, but she does this with you, not to you. I felt heard, supported, challenged, but in the most compassionate way possible. I would highly recommend therapy with Rebecca to anyone looking for real growth and healing, and especially to set you up so you can feel that you’ve built the skills to do this work on your own.

— Jenny, Selah, WA - Individual Therapy

“It’s an honor and privilege to shed light on the leadership of Rebecca Lee. Very few people step into your life and cultivate a space of collaboration that prepare you for the ever changing demands of leadership. Luckily in life, you don’t need many connections of this caliber, you simply need one. For me, I dedicate the foundation of my growth journey to Rebecca.

At the time I met Rebecca, I saw her as a reference guide in my new position, rather than a mentor. In hindsight, very few reference guides change your life.

In my first encounter with Rebecca, I was immediately drawn to the value and depth of our conversation. Most people interview for a skill set, while Rebecca was interviewing for a mindset. I believe trust is built on depth of communication and my trust in Rebecca’s ability took no more than a few minutes to develop. Imagine making an impact from a first impression.

Rebecca is the type of leader who kindly asks hard questions with an innate ability to identify blind spots. One of her famous quotes, “if you aren’t doing the hard work, don’t expect your team to.” Rebecca uses her clinical and professional background to support you in creating a toolbox of skills to unapologetically grow and find the leader within you. It is important to take note of what authentic and genuine leadership truly looks like.

It is my personal opinion that we are all created for greatness; that greatness must be cultivated through depth of conversation, experience and wisdom. Rebecca provides the type of lens that offers this level of support and I would recommend Rebecca to help you move mountains..”

— Claire, Portland, OR - Leadership Coaching

“Rebecca was the first good supervisor I ever had, and one that I’m always measuring other leaders against. Not only is she incredibly warm, compassionate, funny, and smart; she has a special ability to help you see yourself in a positive, strength-based light, while gently guiding you to learn and grow to become an even better version of yourself. Rebecca is deeply present; she celebrates accomplishments with you and validates your struggles. Through it all, she inspires hope and confidence. Years later, I still think about how supportive Rebecca has been, how her faith in me, helped me have faith in myself – then and even now.”

— Hannah, Portland, OR - Clinical Supervision