Leadership Trainings


Building Culture of Compassion

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Witnessing abundance…

Are you looking to create the greatest impact as a leader and/or a leadership group. This training focuses on how to lead confidently and integrate compassion into your leadership approach and system processes.

  • Supervision and consultation - understand your role as a leader

  • Learning how to listen, validate and challenge while creating health boundaries

  • Understanding needs of the team and team dynamics

The True Interdisciplinary Team

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Experiencing real growth..

We may see our colleagues more than we see our own family, yet often we’re lacking genuine collaborative relationships. The True Interdisciplinary Team training focuses on the barriers to how we currently value each other, and shifting to strengths for true collaboration and team growth.

  • Elephant in the room discussion - how do we currently value each other, eliminating the facade

  • Establishing a perspective shift in our views of one another

  • Creating depth of relationship and communication through vulnerability and transparency

Reflective Supervision


Authenticity inspires authenticity

As a leader, how often do we meet with the employees you supervise? Do we feel like we don’t have the time for supervision with our employees? This training will support you in finding where supervision fits and the necessity in connecting to your vision.

  • Understanding the purpose of your role as supervisor - who is your client? It may not be who you think it is.

  • Learning how to lead authentically and become a safe leader to turn to

  • Learning new effective tools to focus your supervisory sessions to productive and transparent ones

Shifting Burnout to a Healthy Team


You can heal burnout

Does it feel like either you don’t have the time/energy to solve the burnout problem in your work environment, or is it that you feel like you’ve tried everything, but you’re not seeing lasting change. This training will support teach you how turn the theoretical vision of the organization to a vision that the team is excited to stand behind.

  • As leaders, adjusting our movement toward “employee first”

  • Our role as a leader in a healthy work environment

  • Assessing our own understanding and skillset as leaders

Not Your Run of the Mill Boundaries and Ethics

We do it together

So we’ve likely all been to a boundaries and ethics training, often times we hear what we’ve heard before, but how often do we get pushed on the nuances of our self care, the lines we draw in the sand, where helping can turn into hurting (without knowing it), and how to hold ourselves and each other accountable in a real way.

  • We’ll do boundaries and ethics, hopped up on caffeine - we’ll learn what self-care really means

  • Learn how to create healthy boundaries beyond work/home balance and “self-care” time

  • Learn how to find your voice and honesty amongst your team or as an individual provider

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