September Group Supervision

Our 2nd Friday morning group is meeting Sept. 8th, from 9:30-11:30am

Our 2nd Friday afternoon group is meeting Sept. 8th, from 1:00-3:00pm

Our 3rd Thursday (early bird) group is meeting Sept.14th, from 6:00-8:00am

Our 3rd Thursday (post coffee) group is meeting Sept 14th, from 10:00-12:00pm

NEW - 3rd Wednesday (1-hour)group, Sept.12th, from 12:00-1:00pm

NEW - 3rd Friday group, Sept. 15th, from 2:00-4:00pm

Therapy Pitfalls

Every single formal evidence-based therapeutic approach is going to have pitfalls. What draws us to certain approaches are the areas that we know benefit, the evidence that shows efficacy and the method that we feel aligned with as practitioners. However, our exploration of the approach can’t stop at how the approach benefits, we have to consistently explore where the gaps show up and where their is potential for harm.

Those that educate on different therapy models may discuss places where the model may not be as effective, and maybe they will offer areas the approach could potentially harm. However, the reality, we tend to hear less of this, so it is our responsibility to critically evaluate the model in our own practice, as well as review the model in detail, intentionally looking for potential for harm. This may feel problem centered, but really it’s a focus on our clients and bringing our own intentional critical thinking to the table.

For example, below are some common wide used models - some basic concepts in the model and potential for harm -

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • One basic concept is the thought/feeling/behavior triangle

    • Potential pitfall - client identifies themself as the problem, rather than pervasive historical trauma present

Motivational Interviewing (MI)

  • One basic concept is the title itself - “motivation”

    • Potential pitfall - client assumes the problem is their lack of motivation, thus seeing themselves as the problem

Narrative Therapy

  • One basic concept is allowing clients to reauthor their story

    • Potential pitfall - really easy for clinician to insert their own leanings, biases into the mix

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • One basic concept is acceptance

    • Potential pitfall - easily misconstrued as passivity, condoning, or being okay with

Internal Family Systems

  • One basic concept is that each of us have different parts

    • Potential pitfall - increased levels of disassociation

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

  • One basic concept is desensitizing negative memories

    • Potential pitfall - assumption then that any negative memory should be desensitized

So! We will be reviewing some of the therapies that we readily are using with our clients, keeping in mind some of these questions…

  1. What language, words, terminology could potentially be misinterpreted or cause harm?

  2. Where does the therapy miss historical oppression or racism?

  3. Where can the therapy miss the context of the human body itself?

  4. Where does the therapy potentially problem orient normal human experiences, like grief?

  5. Is the therapy culturally responsive?

  6. Does the therapy include a community connection component as necessary to mental health healing?

  7. Was the therapy created based on mainstream white male population?

  8. Is the therapy supportive of a neurodiverse population?

I look forward to seeing you all there!


October Group Supervision


August Group Supervision