September Group Supervision

Developing your Own Professional Ethics and Values

Our 2nd Tuesday group is meeting September 13th at 1:00pm

Our 3rd Thursday group is meeting September 15th at 6am

Our 3rd Thursday (2nd) group is meeting September 15th at 10am

Our 2nd Friday group is meeting September 9th at 9:30am

Heyoh! It’s that time again for the September group supervision topic, which will be all about exploring our ethics and values! We’re provided with a set of ethics and values from our disciplines, whether we’re social workers, counselors or marriage and family therapists, BUT do we expand from here? Have you looked for gaps in the ethics/values handbook that you’ve been given, where it doesn’t quite fit your approach as a clinician or doesn’t quite protect you as a clinician?

So here’s what I want you to do…

Look at your code of ethics, what is missing? Are you included? Are you professional values included? What might be missing?

So expect some individual time of reflecting, some group work time, some case review and…

we may also do a little bit of Troika Liberating Structures if we have time.

What you will need to bring:

  • You!

  • A case, scenario, ethical dilemma, a professional challenge related to ethics or values you hold as a clinician.

I look forward to seeing you all there!


October Group Supervision


August Group Supervision