February Group Supervision

Our 1st Thursday (early bird) group is meeting Feb 1st, from 6:00-8:00am

Our 1st Thursday (post coffee) group is meeting Feb 1st, from 10:00-12:00pm

Our 1st Wednesday afternoon group is meeting Feb 7th, from 11:30-1:30pm

Our 2nd Monday morning group is meeting Feb 12th, from 1:30-3:30pm

Don’t be Right All the Time. Be Flawed. Get Uncomfortable. Tap into your Wisdom.

Our areas of not knowing, of not being perfect, of not having the answers, of not being sure are some of our greatest assets in the work we do. Why?

Because we take ourselves off the pedestal - we don’t set a bar for others that is unrealistic and unattainable because even we ourselves are not reaching it.

Because we become real. We become relatable. We become human.

This is not to say that we don’t have expertise, that we don’t have gifts and skillsets that are vital in the work we do. But what makes us real good at our job is to hold all those gifts and also hold the fact that perfection is in the imperfection. Real is in the parts that are unknown.

So, reflect on these questions for our group this month…

1) Where do you allow yourself to be perfectly imperfect in your work with others?

2) Where do you allow yourself to not have the answers or to say “I don’t know?”

3) Do you apologize for not knowing, or do you give yourself grace and allow your clients to witness this?

Much of the messages we convey to the people we work with are not in the form of the direct messages we verbalize to them, but rather in how we navigate the uncomfortable, how we navigate not having the answers, how we navigate being human.

I look forward to seeing you all there!


March Group Supervision


January Group Supervision