Our Authentic Landscape

Becoming Home

Where Compassionate Givers Discover Deep Connection and Strength in their Own Authenticity



so, you show up.

And you give...and give...and give.

Till there’s little left.

And yet the expectation continues…“just keep giving, just keep going.”


and we can’t pour water from an empty glass.  
It is unsustainable for us to invest in a system that doesn’t include us, as givers, as compassionate individuals.

We are integral to our community. We ARE our community.

So it is time we reconnect with our own selves and find power and ease in our own authenticity.

Meet Becoming Home

A 1-year dynamic small-group community experience to tap into your landscape, your unique vision, and your authentic self, to up-level your life, eliminate burnout and re-discover joy in your work.

This experience is likely for you if:

  • You FEEL burnt out, overwhelmed, more like a product than a person, and unsatisfied in your life or your work

  • You feel LOST in your sense of self and why you do what you do

  • You often don’t RECOGNIZE yourself with growing cynicism, fatigue and decreasing motivation

  • You KNOW “something has got to give” but don’t know where to begin.

  • You ARE a highly motivated, achieving and ambitious professional that has checked many boxes in your career, but you’re still unhappy

  • You’re sick of being told to have better self care, and you’re tired of the quick tools to combat burnout because they don’t work

  • You WANT a meaningful and fulfilling career without sacrificing your health and relationships

You’re likely living in burnout if:

  • Your body doesn’t feel right - from new aches and pains, to difficulty sleeping, to relentless fatigue and/or finicky digestion

  • You don’t feel like you - increased hopelessness, increased worry, inability to focus, easily triggered, or disengaged

  • You feel disconnected - from your self, from your relationships, from your body, from the things that used to bring you comfort

So where to begin???

First, we start with tackling the idea that it’s all about the quick fix self-care list. This list becomes just another tool we can use later to shame ourselves when we don’t accomplish them.

In the many conversations I have with burned out individuals, (including the inner conversation with myself) the common thread is; we’re all doing exactly what we’ve been told.


And yet we suffer and actively shame ourselves when it doesn’t work.

SO…Hello, amazing you…I see you.

And I get it. I did all of it.  I had always been highly motivated and dedicated to doing “all the things.”  Reading the self-care books, meal prepping, journaling, reading my code of ethics, embracing therapy, and on and on.  I did it all!  And yet still rode the roller coaster of disliking my job, questioning my value, blaming myself for falling down, forgetting what healthy felt like, and mainly, losing my sense of self. 

So what was missing?

I was missing myself.

I was missing that it was never about adding; it was about reconnecting with what was there all along.

In our fast-paced society with our expected obligations, we’ve become so disconnected from our authentic landscape, our authentic selves and an authentic vision for our lives, that it’s hard to see that this is the exact place where we find healing.

I am deeply passionate about providing support to compassionate givers that I developed my coaching program that I loved naming ‘Burnout to Bravery’ because it’s where we do the REAL work of establishing deep connections with ourselves, our landscape, and our sense of the place in the world.

I am whole-heartedly invested in The World Needs You! And because I know there is a different way. A kind way. That nourishes you.

So you keep talking “Landscape”…you talking about DIRT?!

Yes! Absolutely!

Landscape is the dirt below our feet, the air we breath, the ‘everything’ that nourishes us physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Landscape is our story, our beliefs, our narrative; which provide us with a foundation from which we live our lives. Landscape is the connection with our ancestors that came before us and the future generations to come. We exist by way of our landscape, so to better connect with our landscape, means to better connect with our own existence.


“Why hello,”

said the leaves flittering in the autumn air.

“It’s been awhile hasn’t it.”


Welcome to

Becoming Home!

A 1-Year, small group community/training experience for helping professionals to own their vision, power, and sense of self, to up-level ethics, eliminate burnout and exist in joy.

Your takeaway roadmap will allow you to propel your career, put yourself first, and make a bigger impact in a new way. You and a small group highly motivated and invested colleagues will work with me and other experts over 1-year.

Here is some of what you will accomplish:

  • Learn to use your LANDSCAPE and SEASONALITY as the foundation for change, growth and impact

  • Learn how to recognize and nurture your own authenticity and clear the dust off your mirror

  • Develop knowledge around systemic and institutional oppression which create massive barriers and increase self-limiting beliefs and actions

  • Own your most unique strengths, leadership style, and vision so you can message in a powerful way

  • Learn how to establish boundaries and put your health first

  • Learn to tackle guilt and shame, survival mode, and perfectionism as you make REAL changes

  • Learn to ask for what you need, from your very own “Make Me A Better Person” network

  • Build your OWN professional code of ethics.

  • Love this….Make clear decisions on if you want to take your career in a completely NEW direction, or stay exactly where you are, but show up in a completely NEW way

  • Craft a roadmap with clear steps to maintain momentum after the program

  • Reconnect and nurture the relationship with your community!

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Who are you Rebecca?

I’m a professional strategist and supervisor that guides social workers, counselors and healers to create an impactful and joyful professional life for themselves. I’m a licensed clinical social worker who has spent my career learning how we, as helping professionals, can re-engage ourselves as a part of the community we serve and re-connect with our selves . I strive to deliver a business that is social justice driven, landscape centered and focused on holistically supporting helping professionals. I go by she/her and live in Toppenish, WA on the indigenous land of the Yakama Nation with my multigenerational family, partner, 2 kids, and a menagerie of chickens, goats and cows.

Want to get to know me more? Read Here!

“If you have thought, ‘I deserve more, I deserve better’, then you’re already embracing your BRAVERY.”

 This Program Is For You If:

  • You’re looking for an ethical framework that includes you!

  • You’re ready to trade cynicism for useful optimism

  • You’re ready to get unstuck and take your career to the next level

  • You’re ready to reconnect with your sense of self as a professional and make yourself a priority

  • You want to exist in your “why” and have a clear vision for your professional life and career

  • You willing to be courageous at showing up in a different way for your “work” and your “self”

  • You want your work to energize you, fill your cup, and connect you to a joyful professional life!

This is NOT for you if:

  • You’re looking for individual therapy

  • You’re looking for group therapy

  • You would like a quick fix tool to solve the happiness problem

  • You have the inherent belief that caring for others is more important than caring for yourself

  • You’re not ready to put in the work to delve into the messiness and discomfort of growth

Becoming Home - 1-Year Small Group Community/Training Program

Based on landscape integration, seasonality, holistic ethics, eco-therapy, neuroscience, and anti-oppressive approaches


Discover the systemic, institutional, ethical, and societal expectations that trigger self-limiting and oppressive beliefs. Shatter the infringing box to start making space energetically, emotionally, physically, spiritually to move toward living with intention and purpose.


Create a powerful vision and language around your most authentic self. Dig into your why and your passion in life and in work. Tap into your unique power, strength and skillset only you can provide.


Dropping the systemic box you’re provided and expanding awareness of your actual landscape. Creating your own success mindset…YOUR version of success…based on YOUR landscape.


Create your own unique roadmap to exist in your why and make decisions on your next steps. Know clearly how you can change the world.

What does the program include???

  1. Weekly assignments and videos from me to support you through the process

  2. Weekly live group coaching/training sessions online (~1-2 hrs/week)

  3. Monthly 1:1 Coaching with LICSW

  4. Unlimited asynchronous 1:1 coaching and support from me (~hrs)

  5. Certificate of Completion (if completed 80% of program)


THE FREE BONUSES! for winter and spring sign-ups

  1. Online Community Forum - access to group members for support and networking

  2. Access to Bonus Workshops (ex. anti-racism / meditation / yoga)

  3. Access to annual “Givers Retreat”

  4. Monthly LICSW Q&A Group calls

Participants in the JustLiving programs about how they changed their lives

There’s a peaceful space, wisdom, and experienced guidance provided in Rebecca’s programs that add a much needed perspective to our roles and souls in this work. It is with pure gratitude for the profound community and support in honing who I am as a professional and connecting with that energy and commitment I started with when I first entered into this work. I never felt honestly that I could have a massive impact, now I see I’m actively engaged in changing the world.

- Shane, Portland, OR

Rebecca is inspiring and equally challenging, allowing me to see the hope inside myself and set my professional career down a path that is exciting and that I can be proud of. She has developed a truly amazing program that has been so supportive to my journey. Thank you so much for this opportunity to be a part of a game changer in our lives.

- Cristy, Portland, OR

Rebecca is one of the most adept and vision focused leaders I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. She knows how to hold gently the reins of leadership, to create the space for me to empower myself. I have appreciated her strategic and organized approach to support me in prioritizing myself and my opportunity for impact in a way that launches me forward.

- Jennifer, Spokane, WA

The was good for my soul. I came really not knowing what to expect, just knowing I was supposed to be there. I left with so much peace and a deeper understanding of how to be my true self. Connecting with the earth was particularly meaningful to me and deepened my recognition to be present in the moment. I took away so much more than I can put into words. Without a doubt the best retreat/workshop I have ever been to. I am a better person for going and will definitely be a better provider. Thank you to Rebecca and to the Bell family for opening up their lovely farm and making me feel at home.

- Tana, Yakima, WA

1-YEAR PROGRAM | Program Launches once a Quarter


Summer Qtr is now FULL

Last day to register is for Fall Qtr, 2023 is September 1, 2023.

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JustLiving programs aim to foster a community where everyone feels valued, supported, and inspired to achieve their professional career goals. This includes providing opportunity and access for all people across differences of race, age, color, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, migratory status, disability/abilities, and socioeconomic background. We actively invest in our own learning and community support to help us build an anti-racism, anti-oppressive, equitable, and social and landscape justice based company. We invite you to join our community if you share in these values!